About Me

 You are beautiful. You are so, so beautiful.

You deserve to see yourself that way, and I want to help you do it.

Hello Gorgeous Face Yoga is a yoga practice that uses facial toning techniques to naturally tone your face and mentally recharge your mind. 

I’m Kime Ventura. I’m 45 years old and a FYM Certified Face Yoga Teacher and HCI Certified Life & Health Coach. When I was 42 years old I began to be concerned about aging signs on my face and wanted to know if there were any healthy natural alternatives to Botox injections. I discovered face yoga and I’ve been practicing face yoga for the last 3 years.  I know how hard it can be to feel good about yourself when you’re looking at what you think are signs of aging—especially in our current world social media, endless selfies and filters. But if we don’t start now, when will we? The truth is, we can all benefit from taking care of ourselves in our own ways—and face yoga isn’t just about looking younger or feeling better about our looks; it’s about taking care of ourselves because we deserve it. It’s about loving ourselves as we age and being kind to ourselves on the inside as well as on the outside.

That’s what Hello Gorgeous Face Yoga is all about: teaching people how to speak loving kindness to themselves through their facial expressions; helping them understand that they don’t have to wait until they’re older before they start caring for themselves; encouraging them to love yourself now, daily and forever, no matter the age. 

My Story

When I was 27, I was very insecure and unhappy with the appearance of my nose.  I didn’t like the way it looked, it was flat and I didn’t have a bridge.  I believed that if I could just improve the appearance of my nose I would be more confident and less insecure.  I made the decision to have cosmetic surgery and change it. 

I chose a reputable and established plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California and the surgery went very well. After the swelling subsided and I was healed, I loved my new nose.  I was very happy.  I had a bridge, it was less flat, and I felt more confident and beautiful than ever. 

Six to eight months after my surgery, I started to experience a horrifying reaction. My body began to reject whatever substance the surgeons used to create my bridge. I had inflammation, redness, and excruciating pain in the bridge of my nose for nearly a month. Eventually, my entire nose was swollen and appeared crooked. 

I returned to the surgeon’s office looking for answers and help, but all they offered were suggestions that maybe there was still inflammation from the surgery.  For the next several weeks they gave me cortisone (steroid) shots in my nose to reduce the swelling. The shots temporarily reduced the inflammation but severely compromised my skin at the site of the injections, leaving me with huge visible pores in my nose.  

For nearly two years, I went through several rounds of this nightmare – months would go by, my nose would look and feel normal, and then suddenly without cause or reason, the bridge of my nose would become inflamed, red, and extremely painful. I would go back to the surgeon, they would inject cortisone shots into my nose, and then like clockwork, four to five months later I would return with more pain and swelling, and eventually, drainage would ooze from the bridge of my nose.

My confidence and self-esteem were so damaged, completely defeating my initial purpose of me getting the surgery.  I was devastated, embarrassed, and refused to socialize with friends and family. 

Eventually and thankfully, I was able to find a surgeon who is an expert at repairing and reconstructing the mistakes and damage of nose surgeries gone bad.  He performed a second surgery and saved me from the vicious cycle of my experience of an inflamed nose, excruciating pain, and steroid shots.  After the second surgery, all the problems with my nose stopped.

I believe every experience can teach us something new.  What this experience taught me was to learn and know my body for myself.  It has taught me that I am in control of how I feel about my image, and I can control how great I look as I age, and my confidence and self-esteem come from within. 

As I’ve become older and more concerned with signs of aging, I’ve known that there were artificial methods of rejuvenating the natural glow of young skin (like Botox injections, plastic surgery, etc), but they always came with a cost—the risk of adverse or painful reactions and dependence on this procedure either quarterly or annually to maintain a look and confidence that I want for myself.

Face yoga gives me the power and control to feel good about how I age and to do it with the least cost and risk.

My goals for you

I believe that we all deserve to feel good about our faces and to love ourselves as we age.

That’s why I started Hello Gorgeous Face Yoga, which help you Naturally tone your face, Mentally recharge your mind.

I want people to know that there is a natural and healthy way to tone and tighten the facial muscles and to speak loving kindness to oneself. That’s why I teach live face yoga classes to students and provide videos on demand, workshops, events, and retreats.

If you are looking for a healthy natural alternative to Botox injections, and I’m here to show them that face yoga is a wonderful option!

I’m here to help you feel better about the aging signs on your face and love who you are, no matter what your age.

You know you deserve to take care of yourself and love who you are, and we want to show you how to do that daily.

With Hello Gorgeous Face Yoga, Naturally tone your face, Mentally recharge your mind, you can:

Tone and tighten your facial muscles through face yoga exercises

Learn to speak loving kindness to yourself as a way of cultivating self-love

-Have fun while learning how to take care of yourself

-Receive support from other students who share your desire for self-care and self-love.



Take control of your aging process and how you feel about it. 








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